the backyard garden

the backyard garden

We did container tomatoes this year, the first time we’ve grown veggies since moving three summers ago. And so far so good, though this morning the hubs discovered worms, ugh. Got rid of them, and will be watching to make sure no more slip into the plants. We...

to the pioneers who paved the way

This indie publishing gig isn’t for sissies. Kinda like the whole publishing gig in general. But handing off a manuscript to an editor then switching gears to write the next is a whole lot different than going to various dashboards each morning to look at sales...
reinventing the muffin. or the french toast.

reinventing the muffin. or the french toast.

Last week (maybe?) I went with the husband to Costco. He usually does the Costco shopping because he mostly gets the things we buy there regularly, dog and cat food being the big ticket items. And salmon. And chicken. And bottled water. (Yeah, this list isn’t...

my number weirdness

I have this weird thing about numbers. Call me crazy (because obviously this is mental) but I need things to end in the number 5. Or 0. So yesterday, when I was making some notes on projects I want to work on over the course of the year, I figured out that if I...
random bibliography observation

random bibliography observation

It’s been a very enlightening last few days as I wrapped up this website. Seems I’ve written a LOT of books, and by books I mean stories, whether novel length or novella or even shorter. I’ve forgotten character names from several, whole plots from...

writing: habits & plans

It seems this is the time of year to blog about writing plans. I saw three similar posts this week, and emailed a writing friend myself, outlining the stories I want to tell this year. Or not outlining, because that would be too much work, but I did bullet point them,...