

Dear Walt, A reader friend left me this quote from Sandra Cisneros’s book Have You Seen Marie?: “In Mexico they say when someone you love dies, a part of you dies with them. But they forget to mention that a part of them is born in you — not immediately, I’ve...


Dear Walt, I’m drinking good coffee and eating half a cinnamon raisin bagel with cinnamon pecan cream cheese and I’m thinking about you and how you made me come to love both. I’m sure I drank coffee before you but not good coffee, grinding our own...


Dear Walt, I feel like a kept woman. I get up to write and usually the coffee is already made and I may pour a bowl of cereal but soon after I’m asked if I need something to eat. My laundry is done for me, folded, put away. The dogs are walked though not as...


Dear Walt, It’s quiet this morning. There’s a sawzall going downstairs, and I’m playing Johnny Cash and the Killers and Snow Patrol and Radiohead. I can hear our daughter’s TV and my keyboard is clacking. But the dogs are quiet which lately is...


Dear Walt, I was thinking about the photo I posted yesterday, about all the photos I have of you in this house, and how different things will be once the construction is finished and new furniture purchased and the place put back together. It devastates me that you...