by Mica | Feb 12, 2018 | walt |
Dear Walt, Last night I ate ice cream in the hot tub. You and I did this together many times. Most often it was ice cream you’d made. Last night I was lucky there was a partial pint of store brand rocky road. A friend gifted us a new ice cream maker for...
by Mica | Feb 8, 2018 | walt |
Dear Walt, It’s been a while since I’ve written to you though I talk to you daily and rant to you daily and laugh daily as I tell you things and sob daily because I miss you every single second of every single day. Today marks seven weeks since December...
by Mica | Jan 27, 2018 | walt |
Dear Walt, I fell apart—again—the last two days for no particular reason, for many particular reasons, for one reason after another, for all the reasons piling on. I got angry and you know why. And I think I was justified. I also got irritated. Another thing you would...
by Mica | Jan 25, 2018 | walt |
Dear Walt, This getting up and writing to you has become a thing. I check my—sorry, our—book sales from the day before, see my Facebook ad spend, adjust accordingly, then look at my inbox and social media notifications while drinking my coffee. Sometimes I make it....
by Mica | Jan 24, 2018 | walt |
Dear Walt, I have to go to Home Depot today. Not only that, I have to go to Home Depot tomorrow. One the website tells me is 9.38 miles away because our local one does not have the last closet door we need. I also have to get the oil changed in your truck before I go...