to the pioneers who paved the way

This indie publishing gig isn’t for sissies. Kinda like the whole publishing gig in general. But handing off a manuscript to an editor then switching gears to write the next is a whole lot different than going to various dashboards each morning to look at sales...

how the words get on the page

In Saturday’s post, I mentioned having several projects underway. A couple of things: No, I have no plans to finish all of them this year. No, I do not write on all of them regularly. Yes, I do have a 10th, code name: Dakoaska. Yes, I also have an 11th (Bella),...
reinventing the muffin. or the french toast.

reinventing the muffin. or the french toast.

Last week (maybe?) I went with the husband to Costco. He usually does the Costco shopping because he mostly gets the things we buy there regularly, dog and cat food being the big ticket items. And salmon. And chicken. And bottled water. (Yeah, this list isn’t...

my number weirdness

I have this weird thing about numbers. Call me crazy (because obviously this is mental) but I need things to end in the number 5. Or 0. So yesterday, when I was making some notes on projects I want to work on over the course of the year, I figured out that if I...
samson hair

samson hair

You know how in the story in the Bible, Samson got his strength from his hair? According to the biblical account, Samson was given supernatural strength by God in order to combat his enemies and perform heroic feats such as killing a lion, slaying an entire army with...